The Westfield Curriculum - Intent Statement
Our ambitious, engaging curriculum supports pupils to become resilient lifelong learners. It provides wide-ranging opportunities, both within and outside the classroom, that stimulate curiosity, develop creativity and prepare pupils to be responsible citizens. Where possible it draws upon St Ives and the wider local area, which provides a rich and diverse context — geographically, historically and culturally. This enables children to understand their place within the local and the global community. Our high expectations for all ensure that pupils leave us with a broad range of skills, knowledge and values for the future.

Westfield Curriculum - Content details
Our curriculum is based on the statutory National Curriculum. The National Curriculum provides broad programmes of study for all subject areas. Individual schools are required to publish their own individual curricula to show how they fulfil the requirements of the programmes of study. Additionally, the curriculum for RE is locally agreed by Cambridgeshire's Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education.
Our current published curriculum documentation can be found here.
You can also find our Special Education Needs and Disabilities Policy and Equality Policy within our published polices area.