Diary Dates

Diary dates

Autumn Term 2020

Friday 23rd October                                 Last day of term

26th-30th October                                    Half Term

Monday 2nd November                             Return to school

Monday 23rd November                            Flu Immunisation Team

Friday 18th December                               Last day of term

21st December to 1st January                     Christmas Holidays


Spring Term 2021

Monday 4th January                                  Professional Day (school closed)

Tuesday 5th January                                  Return to school

Friday 12th February                                  Last day of term

15th-19th February                                     Half Term

Monday 22nd February                               Return to school

Friday 19th March                                     Red Nose Day

Friday 26th March                                     Last day of term

29th March to 9th April                               Easter Holidays


Summer Term 2021

Monday 12th April                                     Professional Day (school closed)

Tuesday 13th April                                     Return to school

Monday 3rd May                                       Bank Holiday

Thursday 27th May                                    Last day of term

Friday 28th May                                        Professional day (school closed)

31st May to 4th June                                  Half Term

Monday 7th June                                       Return to school

Tuesday 15th June                                     Year 6 end of year photos and class photos

Thursday 22nd July                                    Last day of term






If you're looking for term dates going beyond the current academic year, visit our term dates page.